Katherine Baird ~ Cello Instructor
Nurturing musical excellence
Students and parents struggle at times with motivation, inspiration, and progress.
This is a normal part of learning an instrument and of the creative process,
and especially, of being a kid.
I hope you will find my posts to be helpful in navigating through the ups and downs.
What Beginning Students (and Parents) Should Know
Cultivating Students’ Sense of Ownership in Learning a Musical Instrument
The Suzuki Student Learning to Read Music
The Student Recital – What Is it Really About, Anyway?
"Ah, music...a magic beyond all we do here."
"Music can change the world,
because it can change people."
"With music, one's whole future life is brightened. This is such a treasure in life that it helps us over many troubles and difficulties. Music is nourishment, a comforting elixir. Music multiplies all that is beautiful and of value in life."
Zoltan Kodaly
"Research shows that at least some musical education has a positive impact on social and cognitive development of children, and these effects are long-lasting - better hearing, better motor skills, improved memory, better verbal and literacy skills."
Alan Harvey, Musician and Neuroscientist